Gas prices are up, everywhere! To save money on fuel without having to impact your present lifestyle, try these tips…
No jackrabbit starts! Your vehicle uses the most fuel when accelerating. If you accelerate slowly, you can minimize the surge of fuel to meet the demands of getting rolling. In fact, if you can keep your vehicle moving and reduce the need for stops, you’ll save even more.
Keep your tank topped off. Any contaminants tend to float to the bottom of your fuel tank, so clean fuel is always at the top.
By keeping contaminants from entering your engine, you’ll get better atomization and distribution, meaning more power and better fuel mileage.
Plan trips – Combine trips. Try to avoid single trips for any reason. Have multiple reasons for your vehicle trip, and if possible, plan a circular or direct route. Many map software providers have a trip function that will save you time and fuel.
Keep your vehicle in its best state of tune. Clean injectors and spark plugs make for an efficient engine.
Using any of these tips will help. Use them all and see an increase in your fuel mileage. Side benefit is, you’ll also save time!