Obey Your Check Engine Light
Whenever your “Check Engine” or “Check” light comes on while you’re driving, you need to pay attention to it immediately. It doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something drastically wrong with your car, but that IS a… Read more
Car Maintenance
Tune Up Your Vehicle For Maximum Performance
Fifty years ago, vehicles needed a “tune-up” about every 25,000 to 40,000 miles. Electrical systems were very simple back then, but they had many parts that would wear out very quickly. It was not uncommon to… Read more
For many consumers, taking their vehicle in for service or repair can cause anxiety and lead them to postpone necessary maintenance and repairs. Neglecting routine service can cause more expensive repairs later. Our no-nonsense blog here provides tips and… Read more
We believe a well maintained vehicle runs better, lasts longer, has a higher resale value, and saves you money in the long run. Studies show that $1 spent on maintaining your vehicle will save between $17 and $22 on unnecessary repairs and replacement costs.… Read more
Your shock absorbers (or struts on most vehicles today) have a primary function: To help you maintain control of your vehicle. And even though you think of them as the reason your vehicle rides so nicely over bumps, it’s actually working hard to keep the… Read more
S & S Automotive & Towing Advantages

Certified Mechanics
With a team of ASE Certified technicians you can trust us to handle your vehicle with the utmost professionalism, no matter what service we are providing.

Complete Auto Repair
Regardless of the model and make of your vehicle, our experienced Seneca Auto Repair Shop can provide it with a full garage service.

Domestic & Foreign
We are a full service and performance auto repair facility located in Seneca, KS. We service foreign, domestic & light trucks.